November 14, 2012

Getting Started

Hi everyone!  We will begin sharing interviews on the 17th, which is National Adoption Day!  We are very excited about hearing from a few kids already, but would LOVE to hear from others!  If you have an adopted sibling, please consider telling us about what it's like for you.

Name: (real names will not be used publicly...we've been changing the names to protect the privacy of all the kids.)
How many kids are in your family?
How many are adopted?
Age of adopted sibling(s):
How long has your adopted sibling been home?
Does your adopted sibling have any special needs?

1. What should we know about you?

2. Describe yourself to someone who can’t see you.

3. What should we know about your adopted sibling?

4. What did you think when your parents first talked to you about adoption? How was it explained to you?

5. What did you think/feel as you waited for your sibling to come home?

6. What were your first thoughts/feelings when you met your new sibling?

7. How did your life change when your new sibling came home?

8. What surprised you the most about your sibling?

9. What’s the best advice you’ve given or been given?

10. Is it different having an adopted sibling than a biological one? If yes, how?

11. How would you describe your relationship with your sibling?

12. Do you like hanging out with your sibling?

13. What is your favorite memory of your sibling?

14. Do you ever imagine what life would be like if your family hadn’t adopted your sibling?  If yes, what do you think about?

15. What’s the nicest thing someone has done for (or said to) you?

16. Was it easy to adjust to having your new sibling in the family? Why or why not?

17. What are some advantages – good parts - of having an adopted sibling?

18. What are some disadvantages – not so good parts – of having an adopted sibling?

19. How has your family life changed through adopting a child?

20. Do other family members treat your sibling differently? How does that make you feel?

21. What are some words or phrases you use the most?

22. Knowing what you know now, would your reaction have been different if your parents told you they’re going to adopt a child?

23. Has your sibling ever embarrassed you? How?

24. Does your sibling ever frustrate you? How?

25. Is there anything about your sibling that just makes you smile? What?

26. Is there anything about your sibling that just makes you angry? What?

27. Do you think being a sibling has affected your personality? How?

28. If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be? Why?

29. How do your friends treat your sibling?

30. What annoys you the most (if anything) about how people treat your sibling?

31. Do you think you’ll ever adopt a child?

32. If you could change just one thing about your sibling, what would it be?

33. What makes you proud of your sibling?

34. What has been your happiest moment in life (so far)?

35. Do you ever feel invisible?

36. What is your favorite thing about your adopted sibling?

37. What is the hardest thing about having an adopted sibling?

38. What life lesson have you learned from having an adopted sibling?

39. If you had one wish for your adopted sibling, what would it be?

40. Describe a perfect day:

41. What’s the weirdest question you’ve ever been asked about your sibling?

42. Do your parents include you in discussions about your sibling? How does that make you feel?

43. What do you see for your sibling’s future? What part do you think you’ll play in that future?

44. Is there anything you wish your parents had done differently about the adoption?

45. If your best friend told you his/her family is going to adopt a child, what would your reaction be? What advice would you give your friend?

46. What would you think if your parents told you they’re going to adopt again?

47. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

48. What’s the one question we should’ve asked but didn’t?

49. Is there anything else you want us to know about what it’s like to have an adopted sibling?

50. Leave us with your favorite quote, Scripture, poem or song lyric:

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